Sheltie Guinea Pigs

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Sheltie For Sale
Latest Reviews For Sheltie (4 of 4)
- Angelyyn,
Super fun guinea pig! - Zoe,
I have a sheltie called floof and i love her to death! She is great fun and will snuggle up with me in my bed when i sleep. In order to keep her locks luscious, i shampoo and condition her hair on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and then put some hair mousse in after i brush out her knots. But don't be deterred by that vigorous hair schedule though, it only takes about an hour to and hour and a half to wash her hair, and in the end it is worth it! I definitely recommend getting special guinea pig perfume, especially if you take them out for walks, or sleep in the same bed as them. I have the fragrance 'delicious snuffles,' and i highly recommend. So, in my opinion Sheltie Guinea pigs are a great pet to have, or in my case a kid! hahah 😂😂😂
Sheltie - Amber,
I have a Sheltie called Bobbles and she is really friendly. The only hard bit about keeping a Sheltie is to always make sure you keep their hair tidy! If your Sheltie is just a pet then keep its hair trimmed if its for showing don't trim the hair. Hope this helps! Xxxxxxx :P
Shelties are sweethearts! - Claire,
Bethany, my sheltie, is the sweetest natured pig. She's shy and quiet, but she absolutely adores me and will chatter away to me. She is definitely my healthiest pig, and I have 7, all of different breeds! I do adore shelties and find them very calming. Make sure you keep on grooming your Sheltie or they get very damp and matted and the urine will burn their skin.