Orpington Chickens
Orpington History
Orpington Behaviour
Orpington Varieties
Orpington Pictures
Orpington For Sale
Latest Reviews For Orpington (5 of 62)
- Melissa,
Very friendly hens - Phillis, Hampshire,
Good garden hens as they are too posh to scratch, they just peck around the in the flower beds and do not create havoc with your special plants. Not great at egg laying, particularly in the winter. Very friendly and good with children. They make ideal pets. Mine lived for nearly 15 years.
- Oliver,
Buff-orpingtons are my favorite type of chicken we used to have one...but sadly it died These birds are good with goldlines but some other breeds may harm your buff 10/10 review
Very Friendly - Tim,
Very friendly bird.They always come up to me when I come and give them food. They love dust bathing and huddle up together sometimes.
- Amy,
I was given two Buff Orpington females as a wedding present last year. I absolutely love them! They are very friendly, they keep very clean and tidy, they don't mess up my garden and they lay quite small eggs but very regularly. They are the perfect hen to get if you have a low fence too! Looking forward to getting some more! :)
Breeder Clubs for Orpington
Orpington Club
Email: andrew.srichardson@virgin.net
Website: www.theorpingtonclub.co.uk
Telephone: 01995 601772