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Plymouth Rock Chickens

Barred female Barred male Buff female Buff male

Plymouth Rock History

The Plymouth Rock is considered to be a heavy breed and originated in the United States taking their name from the town of Plymouth. The breed was recognised as early as 1874 under the name Barred Plymouth Rock which describes the markings they had. They are large, long lived chickens and the hens have a deep, full abdomen which is a sign of a good layer. They have a broad, deep and well-rounded breast and bright yellow legs. The face is red with red ear lobes, a bright yellow beak, bay coloured eyes and a single medium sized comb.

Plymouth Rock Behaviour

They are friendly birds which are easy to tame and are vigorous and hardy birds which don\'t need a lot of space but do appreciate the chance to run free, They are not good fliers so do not require high fencing. They lay a good number of cream coloured eggs averaging around 200 per year. Plymouth Rocks do tend towards broodiness though so regular egg collecting is important to avoid too much of this. Chicks feather up quickly and make wonderful pets for children due to their docile nature.

Plymouth Rock Varieties

There are several varieties of Plymouth Rock, the barred, white and buff being the classic ones. Other colours include multiple pencilled or triple laced, pencilled partridge, multiple pencilled silver partridge, Columbian, buff Columbian and blue laced.

Plymouth Rock Pictures

A plymouth rack cockerel standing tall
Chicken investigating what's in the pink scoop
A plymouth chicken.
Barred Plymouth Rock Rooster
Dad won’t mind if we borrow his bench.
Future model
shadow viper
Here are two barred rocks, Georgia and Miss Pepper Pot, enjoying their free range!
Two barred rocks, Georgia and Miss Pepper Pot, enjoying free range.
Eggs from our 24 week old Barred Rock :)
booby at 20 weeks
barred rock going stong in Yuma, AZ
My three girls
Chickens in run split between a fence
Close up of chicken
Three barred hens
Chicken posing
Chicken in cage
2 chickens in the garden
Chickens in run near the entrance to their coop
3 chickens

Plymouth Rock For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For Plymouth Rock (5 of 19)

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One of my all time favorites - Jade, California,

My sweet and sassy Bernadette was the prettiest lil Barred Rock! She was hilarious. From her long begging "baaaaaaaawk" to her habit of perching on people's shoulders, Bernadette was the life of the party. She was broody, a great protector of her eggs, but not to the point of being hostile. She handled Sacramento weather - hot summers and weird winters (no rain one year, lots of rain the next). She did love to peck everything though and plants stood no chance against her!

Lovely Breed - Jade,

We were beginner chicken owners and bought a mix of chickens 12mths ago. Of these our all round favourite is the Barred Plymouth Rocks. The roosters are very docile (we have currently 5) and not one has ever been aggressive and they attend their flock beautifully. The hens are very broody and have withheld their eggs unless being broody, that said we have almost encouraged this in our inexperience. That said their eggs are lovely and as a meat bird (culled roosters) they have a good carcass size,flavour etc.

Great easy first time birds. - Simon,

I have 4 hens, 1 cockerel, and 1 hen Wellsummer. The hens are braver than the Wellsummer, very friendly and incredibly nosey. When ever you go out they run over to see if you have brought something nice for them. Really windy where I live but it doesn’t seem to bother them in the slightest. The eggs are delicious. One word of caution!!! The cockerel has attacked me twice (from behind) drawn blood once, and attacked my wife. He is now wary of me but it takes some work to assert your dominance. Wouldn’t recommend if you have children. Stick to hens.

The Plymouth Rock - Mason,

I really love the Plymouth Rock breed it is my favorite chicken ever. I really like the barred pattern on the feathers. These chickens are also very exceptional egg layers. They are very social to mine will just eat out of my hand. I really like the Plymouth Rock.

- Brandon,

An excellent layer and an excellent meat breed